London Bridge Boss

I created the rig for the London Bridge Boss. Character Animation Toolkit was used in order to speed up the rig creation process.  Since the CAT plugin was used for the player character rig, it provided a familiar fk/ik switching, clip/pose saving loading, and a layered animation system. Some additions to the CAT rig were required to provide separate hip movement from spine, 1 hand/2 hand weapon constraints, and a foot roll system to replace the standard one offered by CAT.

(Mouse over image to see render.)

Centaur Captain

I created the rig for the Centaur Captain. Character Animation Toolkit was used to create this rig. Some additions to the CAT rig were required to provide separate hip movement from spine for the lower front and rear, a weapon constraint, and a foot roll system to replace the standard one offered by CAT.

(Mouse over image to see render.)